Dear heroine,

My name is Jessica Libor, and I’m from Philadelphia, PA.  I serve imaginative artists like you through my courses and community who are ready to step into the fullest version of their creative career, with grounded authenticity.

I’m a visual artist, and hold my Master of Fine Arts from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts.  I’m primarily a painter, but also direct short films, make installation art, curate exhibitions and speak to organizations about creativity. I sell my work frequently to dedicated collectors, am the founder of Era Contemporary Gallery, host the Creative Heroine Podcast.  My art has been featured on WHYY and PBS. I’ve also been published in American Art Collector, Beautiful Bizarre, Create Magazine, Philadelphia Style and more. I love being in nature and horseback riding.  I also dabble in acting, and was once an extra on the Vampire Diaries!

When I started my professional career as an artist, I was so confused as to what to do next.  I had done all the right things a “serious” artist should, so why wasn’t my career taking off?  

For a long time I felt I was spinning my wheels, making art that no one noticed or even cared, and that I was begging for external approval from the art world.

After an inward transformative journey of worthiness and self-acceptance, I was able to shift my career completely.  You see, the art world was only mirroring my inner beliefs about myself.  Once I stepped into my inherent worthiness, the opportunities and successes started gaining momentum, and my inner world started to match my outer experience.  It all starts inside.  After doing the heart-centered work, I begin to see a dramatic up level in sales of my art, opportunities coming to me, and the creative ideas I had!

Once I experienced how powerful this transformation was, I wanted to share it with other artists. 

I wanted to create a place for artists of love and encouragement where they could move through any struggles or inner blocks, get beneath the surface of what was going on, to step authentically into the most vibrant, successful version of themselves.

I created my courses and coaching practices from my own personal experiences as an artist and entrepreneur within the art world.  I share how you can shift your paradigm dramatically in order to help you naturally get to the top of your game, make more money through your art by embracing its true value and worth, and have great opportunities coming to YOU.

The artists who have taken my courses have seen big art sales, new clients, brilliant ideas, unexpected press features, and the priceless result of a hope renewed that their dreams are, in fact, possible and achievable! 

I invite you to explore courses and resources on this site which can give you the roadmap and support you need.

Remember, a universe of creativity is inside of you, and the world needs you to step forth and fulfill your highest destiny as an artist.

With love, light, and creativity,


Photo credit: by Kerasan Lamar